Sunday, November 3, 2019

Religion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Religion - Research Paper Example There are major forms of religion in the world today. These forms of religion differ in practices and beliefs. However, the concept of religion still remains the same in all the 18 branches that make the world religion. The concept of religion explains the relationship between natural and supernatural concepts of reality in which various religions have their unique way of explaining nature and the existence as well as the role of humanity. Religion is associated with the study and understanding of human practices in relation to the natural and spirit world. Religions can be compared on the basis of what they stand for, belief and practices. For instance, Buddhism is a form of religion that practices its ways of living in relation to the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. Christianity is known to be the world’s biggest religious society and pillars its practices and ways of living on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Judaism is a form of religion formed by the Jewish people and base s its practices and beliefs on the covenant made between the God and the Jewish people. Islam is also among the top religious groups in the world and it bases its beliefs and practices on life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad. Traditional African religion has its own practices which are unique but with a common concept compared to all other forms of religions in the world (Matthews, 2012). It relies on hereditary values to build its moral understanding and practices. In this case, it bases its beliefs and practices on the communities’ ancestors whom are believed to exist in the spirit world. Religious forms have a common concept which is based on the belief of sacred aspects that are used to create moral value. Christianity differ from the Islamic religion in the notion that one religion believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ who is acts as the pillar its foundation while the other focuses on the

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