Saturday, November 23, 2019

Long Drop to Nowhere essays

Long Drop to Nowhere essays Donald Smalls was a simple enough man with a simple enough life. He was the head pharmacist at the local drug store. He lived in a small house tucked away in the woods, about half a mile off the main road. He could even forget things from the past that would haunt anyone else. The pay from the drug store allowed a slightly moderate life style. His clothes were neat and new around every month. He owned a nice little Beamer, you know, the kind that makes people feel richer than they are. Donald had just recently bought the Beamer to replace the old truck he had driven for the past couple of years. He was driving the old truck because the Mustang he had owned since he was nineteen finally called it quits. Now he had one sweet ride. Today he was driving up to one just one more thing the drug store made possible for him to own, a nice cabin in the mountains. He bought it off a previous owner, a man who seemed to have a nervous disorder around others. After shaking hands with the man, Donald had to wipe his hand on his jeans. The cabin was a nice place, just the place to spend a weeks vacation doing nothing and reading books. He would be happy, shoot, ecstatic to relax for a while. After having dealt with two hectic months behind that smooth white counter he thought he deserved a vacation. Now he was on a mountain highway, making his way to his own little crack in the world. Donald started to relax a little and let the speedometer do a little walking. Once it registered sixty he thought that would be a nice clip to cruise along at. Most drivers would worry about taking curves at this speed, but not Don Smalls. At thirty five and driving mountain roads most of his life, he considered himself a seasoned vet. He knew how to do it. He knew people relaxed and wrecked on roads like this all the time. He wasnt one for wrecks or for worrying about them but all of this just seemed too familiar. An old forgo...

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