Friday, February 21, 2020

Innovation & Change Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Innovation & Change - Case Study Example s that bring about a positive change to various aspects of the company such as its production levels, economic stability as well as growth in the particular market it is situated in (Davila, Epstein & Shelton, 2006). The activities that take place when trying to achieve these changes can be seen as the product of innovation by the company. It is especially essential for individuals dealing with innovation to realize the various methods and approaches that can be taken when dealing their implementation and management. The identification of these approaches allows a manger to select the most appropriate approach for their company and as a result enhance the chances of success a company has at attaining their objectives. The relationship between innovation and change comes into play as a result of the effects that a particular action may have on a company (Fichter, 2009). It also brings about the question of how important a role innovation plays in the growth of a company and whether this growth can be achieved minus the involvement of innovative approaches applied by the mangers. In order to fully answer these questions, one has to look at a particular company and the innovative implementations involved when looking to promote a positive impact on the organization (Heyne, Boettke & Prychitko, 2010). An industry that can be used to further expound on this concept is the vehicle industry with a leading company such as Toyota being the topic of the study to determine the role that innovation plays in the growth of a company. It should be noted that despite the fact that innovation is an important element in itself, the management of these innovations determines the success that an individual is able to enjoy in the resulting outcome. There are various ways that innovation can be considered important in regards to the development and growth of a company. The key aspect that plays a role in this essentialness is the point that an organization cannot remain stagnant in

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